Purity [Black Oil, Black Cancer]
At the beginning was Purity.
It can be encountered in many forms.
Its life force is the Black Oil, a sentient liquid that can use a
being as a host and take control of it. It can generate flashes of
radioactivity and survive it; it is very hard to exterminate it. The hosting
organism taken over by the Black Oil does not remain conscious, it is dominated by the Black Oil and is part of Purity. The
Black Oil isn't a simple fluid waiting for a host or to become a grey.
The Black Oil is the alien, it can think and is responsible for nearly
all the alien activity we have seen. It can be brought down to a single
strain of DNA, in which case it's called a virus; its appearance of
black fluid can be attributed to the virus bathing inside hydrocarbons,
and it can use similar fluids like battery oil as a means to spread and move.
Bringing the virus analogy further, a being that is a host is infected
by the Black Oil and another being that cannot be used as a host is
immune to the Black Oil.
The Black Oil can also trigger the development of an alien entity
inside the body of the host. This entity gestates and hatches killing
its host. It is a tall, monstrous creature with Black Oil running in
its veins.
Once this 'creature alien' grows and feeds, it sheds its skin to become
a small grey humanoid alien. The Black Oil still remains the thinking
center, and it gathers in the head of the grey. In the rest of the
grey's body flows a green fluid toxic to humans that holds the Black
Oil virus inside it; this fluid is not sentient and is akin to human
blood. The greys are the social form of the Black Oil, the form in
which this sentient being can build a civilization. The greys do not
know diseases and communicate with each other through telepathy.
At this stage, the greys can reproduce sexually, which implicates
pregnancy and embryonic development.
Purity developed a great technology and with space travel became a
considerable force in the Galaxy. Purity developed highly automated
ships that can rebuild themselves when they are damaged; intelligent
force fields and invisibility fields; nanotechnology tracking devices;
healing fields; and many other things that would only appear as magic
to a human eye.
Purity is very old, even older than terrestrial life itself. It has
been theorized that natural evolution of Purity was progressively
bringing it closer to extinction. Then, Purity made up a plan majestic
in size and time span. Throughout the Galaxy, it would create life or
help its development on different planets and guide the evolution of
life through billions of years until a being suitable for gestation
would appear. Until then, Purity would be in stasis, waiting. Purity
would then take over this being, gestate and effectively create an
entirely new population of greys: a colonization, or a blossoming renaissance. On Earth, this host being
would be the human race. After billions of years of evolution and
space-faring, Purity's force was dried down; by having a planet in
which Purity could gather strength again and be reinvigorated would be
a safe bet for prolonged survival of the race.
Shapeshifters and Faceless Rebels
Purity created the race of the
Shapeshifters, using its own genome as a blueprint. The Shapeshifters
physically resemble humans, they can be infected by Purity, but they
can change the shape of their bodies to some degree and heal themselves
and others (using the palm of their hands). A green substance flows in
their veins, extremely similar to the greys' only that it doesn't carry
the Black Oil virus in it, which means the Shapeshifters are not immune
to the Black Oil. The race of the Shapeshifters was developed and
developed itself on a
planet that belongs to the constellation of Cassiopeia. When the time
was ripe, Purity colonized the planet of the Shapeshifters,
exterminating most of them. Those who survived created a resistance movement,
leading a guerilla war against Purity. They mutilated themselves so as
not to be infected by Purity, and were called the Faceless Rebels.
A Shapeshifter is a host more resistant than a human. To infiltrate
Earth, Purity used Shapeshifter hosts. Purity performed genetic tests
on the Shapeshifters; one of these was cloned and his clones were
infected by Purity: these Purity-controlled Shapeshifters are the Alien
Bounty Hunters. The original non-infected Shapeshifter that was cloned
escaped, freeing some of his non-infected clones with him. They joined
the Rebels, with the original one as their leader.
Terrestrial Biogenesis and the Colonization
Some 3.7 billion years ago, Purity arrived
on a still barren Earth and created life using much of the primordial
soup material already present, but also genetic material of the Black
Oil itself. Purity left, though some of it lay dormant underground, in
oil deposits or underground caves or outpost ships. For billions of
years, the technology Purity left behind orchestrated terrestrial
evolution, influencing natural evolution and triggering massive
extinctions that made way to new species.
All this led to the premeditated creation of mankind, further using
genetic material of Purity and that of terrestrial organisms. Large
parts of the alien DNA were embedded in the human DNA and were turned
off; these would serve as guidelines for the creation of a full alien
organism when the Black Oil virus would infect the host. Humanity's
cultural evolution was encouraged by Purity's technology, to which
mankind owes the sacred texts of great religions (Judaism,
Christianity, Islam); 'miracles' were performed to support these
religions, like Moses' plagues, or healings and resurrections.
thrived and filled the Earth, according to Purity's plan. Any humans
that became infected by the Black Oil when they would discover an
underground deposit were taken to a large craft, buried under the
Antarctic ice, that would later be known as Base 1. There, they were
put in stasis, slowing down the gestation process of the grey alien
until a reawakening when the colonization would come. The date for
colonization was set to December 22, 2012 AD.
The Anasazi American Indians adopted Purity's writing and language.
Because of the great knowledge the Anasazi attained of Purity, they
were abducted and hunted down to be exterminated. Knowledge of Purity's
writing still survives today among the Navajo Indians.
Tunguska and Black Cancer
The same biogenesis effort had been
attempted on Mars: Purity had brought life to a planet that at the time
seemed promising. But life there did not thrive and Mars eventually became a desert planet; the only living thing that
survived there was Black Oil, hidden underground like on Earth.
In 1908, in Siberia, a meteorite fell and devastated the landscape. The
meteorite was in fact Martian rock, expelled in space by some random
cosmic event. Inside the rock was Black Oil; it was very
weakened by the shock of crashing on Earth -- so much so that when it
entered a human host, it did not actively take control of it but barely
put the host into a coma. This Black Oil was unable to move the body of
the host or to trigger a gestation; for this reason, the Russians who
found it called Purity "Black Cancer".
The Russians saw the military potential of a virus-like organism that
induced coma: it could be used as a very effective biological weapon.
Eventually, it came to the hands of Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein, who
used it against US troops in the Gulf War (1989-1991). In this way,
samples of the Black Cancer came to the hands of the american