“In heaven, everything is fine.” / “I hope I see all of you again. Every one of you.”
Goodbye David Lynch, right at the top in my personal film pantheon. Now you know what lies on the other side of the curtain, like his purple quantum foam sea. From first to last, from “Eraserhead” to “Twin Peaks The Return“, imagery and soundscapes that have lived in my dreams from an early age.
In particular, “Twin Peaks” (1990-1991), largely the result of the collaboration between David Lynch and Mark Frost, was a big influence on The X-Files: from its sense of weird and mystery, its out-there male FBI agent, its Pacific Northwest setting, its ambition to bring cinema photography and directing to television… all documented in the influences page — to which must be added a revival many years later. The Twin Peaks revival aired in-between the two X-Files revival seasons, and the two projects have different legacies. Twin Peaks gave us a wildly different approach on how to make a continuation while also subverting fans’ expectations, a project of unique artistic ambition that commented on the passage of time and consisted in a sort of synthesis of Lynch’s entire career.
Tags: davidlynch, obituary
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